How to maintain the fog cannon when used in agriculture?

DATE:2021-03-16 13:49:44



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Maintenance Tips for Agricultural Fog Cannon Machines

To ensure optimal performance and extend the lifespan of agricultural fog cannon machines, follow these comprehensive maintenance procedures:

1.Preparation and Testing:

     Before operation, fill the medication tank with clean water to facilitate effective pesticide dispersion.

     Conduct a thorough test spray to verify functionality and coverage, ensuring the fog cannon is ready for use.

     Meticulously calibrate the machine to achieve precise spray patterns and uniform distribution.

2.Engine and Pressure Optimization:

    Maintain stable engine speeds and adjust spray pressure settings as required for different operational conditions.

    Continuously monitor and fine-tune nozzle settings to achieve consistent atomization, crucial for effective pesticide application.

3.Pesticide Management and Application:

     Select appropriate pesticides based on crop type and specific pest challenges, adhering to integrated pest management principles.

     Calculate pesticide amounts per unit area (mu) according to recommended dosages and dilution ratios for optimal efficacy.

     Strictly follow safety guidelines for pesticide handling and application to ensure environmental sustainability and worker safety.

4.Proper Mixing Protocol:

     Add pesticides to the medication tank before adding water to prevent potential chemical reactions and ensure even distribution.

     Use only clean liquid solutions to prevent nozzle clogging and maintain operational efficiency during spraying operations.

By adhering to these detailed maintenance procedures, agricultural fog cannon machines can operate efficiently, supporting effective pest management and enhancing crop protection practices.